Superimmunity - Affiliate Resources - Emails
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Super Immunity Joint Venture Partner

and Affiliate Resources


Email is a great way to get the word out about Super Immunity to your customers and subscribers.

Here are a few sample emails you can use to send as is, or to customize for your style of writing…and based on the interests of your readers and subscribers.

Email #1

Subject: Name, Are You Concerned About Your Health?

OR Name, I'm Concerned About Your Health...Are You?

Dear Name,

Your health is priceless. If you don't have it, you don't have anything.

But there are so many factors that are destroying your health without you even realizing it.

Whether its environmental pollutants, contaminants in the water we drink, food borne pathogens, or even genetically modified foods, no matter where you turn there is no place on the planet that hasn't been negatively affected by humans.

But if that leads you to believe there is nothing you can do to strengthen your "defenses" and protect couldn't be further from the truth.

In fact, educating yourself on how to take control of your health is the most important thing you can do. Because with that knowledge you can make the right changes to get yourself healthy...and to stay that way.

And after a lot of research on this subject, here's one of the best thing I've found to help you...

I recently came across a great report that really helped me open my eyes to some things I had been doing wrong and believing about my health. More importantly, I discovered the strategies to quickly and easily take control of my health.

The report is called, "Super Immunity: 15 Simple Things You Can Do to Supercharge Your Immune System, Skyrocket Your Energy Level and Take Control of Your Health…Without Pills or Potions!

It's over 70 pages of real information, critical to living a healthy life.

I've started using many of the things I learned and immediately noticed a difference in my energy and focus. That's why I decided to share this with you.

Do yourself a favor and check it out now by going to:

The people who follow this information are experiencing incredible results using the techniques in this report... and now you can too.

Give it a review and let me know what you think.

Email #2

Subject: Name, Health Secrets You May Have Never Heard About...

Dear Name,

Did you know that having a cold or flu can actually be good for you?

Or that a fever is a sign that your immune system is working to protect you from a foreign invader... and that taking a fever reducer may not be your best option?

The truth is that occasionally getting sick gives your immune system an opportunity to "get in a good workout" every now and then.

Sadly, these are important health facts that many people don't realize.

I recently stumbled upon a great report called: Super Immunity: 15 Simple Things You Can Do to Supercharge Your Immune System, Skyrocket Your Energy Level and Take Control of Your Health… Without Pills or Potions!

It's over 70 pages of great information to help you take control of your health.

I've started using many of the things I learned and immediately noticed a difference in my energy level and my focus...and I'm already a healthy person.

That's why I decided to share this with you.

Do yourself a favor and check it out now by going to:

The people who follow this information are experiencing incredible results using the techniques in this report... and now you can too.

Give it a review and let me know what you think.

Important: This ad is ONLY for you to use to promote Super Immunity. Make sure you include your affiliate link in place of the links in the sample ad.
